
NLA media access (NLA) represents the intellectual property rights of many prominent publishing brands in the UK – 3,600 newspaper and magazine titles plus nearly 2,100 web titles – in the media monitoring market. The company also operates a database providing services to media monitoring agencies and publishers containing over 100 million articles from print and web publications.

The combination of licensing and database services provided by NLA enables UK and international businesses to access published content in an efficient and copyright compliant way. 


NLA is a limited company owned in equal shares by the seven national newspaper publishing groups (Associated, Financial Times, Guardian, ESI Media, Reach, News UK and Telegraph). It represents the repertoire of around 300 publishers.

Statutory Accounts

Annual Transparency Report

Articles of Association

Articles of Association

Download the NLA media access Articles of Association

Board of Directors

R Ashton (News UK), A Bannister (Associated), R Hahn (Guardian), S Hanbury (ESI Media), Z Leonard (ESI Media, alternate director), A Geere (Special Contributors), J Mann (Financial Times), F McKenna (Reach), T Hudson (PPA), L Bailey (Telegraph), P Hunter (Regional director), H Jones (NLA), D Parasoglou (NLA), C Marshall (Chairman)

Company Secretary – Jessie Fung

Auditors – RSM UK Audit LLP – 25 Farringdon Street, London, EC4A 4AB