You can access the licence application form below. It should be completed with reference to the information on this page, as well as the Business Price list, and if applicable, the Foreign and Specialist Titles price list.
Basic Licence
This provides cover for the occasional copying of both the printed and online versions of the national newspapers plus any five regional newspapers and is calculated on either your number of staff or your organisation’s annual turnover. The fee payable is the lower of the two amounts.
You can extend the basic licence to cover additional regional newspapers, magazines, specialist publications and foreign newspapers that are members of NLA media access.
The basic element for the magazine only licence is dependent on the number of titles you require cover for and is calculated in the same way as the above.
Frequent Copying
This is for regular copying and distribution of articles within your organisation, including content supplied by a third party such as a public relations consultancy or media monitoring organisation.
There is a paper and three digital options that you would need to include with your basic licence if you frequently copy content.
Frequent paper copying is photocopying a predetermined number of copies of each article and frequently photocopying or printing articles supplied by a third party. This is calculated on a price per copy basis and is in addition to your basic licence fee.
The frequent digital copying fees are in addition to your basic licence fee and include cover for (but not limited to):
Digital Copying Options
- Suitable for most, this is calculated on a price per copy basis.
- Suitable for organisations wanting to make content available to a select number of staff.
- By limiting circulation to a defined group, your organisation can control costs.
- This fee is calculated on how many staff have access to content.
- This option is designed to allow unlimited access for everyone in your organisation.
- Fees are calculated on how many staff you have.
Previous Unlicensed Copying
NLA can cover you for previous years unlicensed copying in the form of an indemnity. This covers those organisations that have copied prior to taking out a licence. This is a one-off charge and is generally calculated by multiplying your current annual licence fee by the duration of past copying.
In accordance with the Limitation Act 1980*, NLA is entitled to collect licence fees for a maximum of six year’s previously unlicensed copying.
This is referred to as full indemnity as it covers your organisation for all copying ever undertaken. Please advise NLA of the date when your organisation commenced copying. We will arrange the appropriate cover for that period.