Simplified Licence – FAQs for Licensees

What is the Simplified Licence?

An optional alternative to the existing Business Licence and Web End User Licence.

When is it available?

From 1st May 2020.

Does this change my rights?

No. If you move onto the Simplified Licence, it may give more flexibility, but the rights granted under the existing Business Licence and Web End User Licence will also be replicated in the Simplified Licence.

What factors determine the fees?

There are just three: level (bronze, silver, silver plus or gold), quantity (low, medium, high or very high) and the number of staff in your organisation (including Affiliates and Franchisees, if applicable).

Does the licence cover all mediums (paper, digital and web)?

Yes. This takes into account all articles received; whether paper, digital (e.g PDF, scan or email) or web links (to online articles).

Do I have to switch to the Simplified Licence?

No. You can stay on your current licence. NLA will let you know costs for both options and answer any questions.

Will I still need my Corporate Website Republishing Licence (“CWRL”) to be able to place content online?

Yes. The CWRL grants its own particular set of rights.

Will PR agencies still need to hold one of NLA’s PR licences to send content to clients?

Yes, agencies will need to keep the PR Client Service Licence (or Standard PR Licence) in order to share content with clients. However, the Simplified Licence can be used to cover any internal copying by PR agencies, if required.

In the Silver and Silver Plus levels, staff percentages and numbers of recipients are mentioned. Which do I use?

Whichever enables you to the greater number of users.

Where does the licence fee revenue go?

A minimum of 80% of the revenue we collect goes back to publishers, as royalties.

Does the Simplified Licence cover all NLA titles?

Yes. All NLA represented national, regional and foreign newspapers, and magazine titles are included.

I’ve just renewed on the current licence. Can I switch to the Simplified Licence?

Yes. Please speak to us about switching over at any time.

Can I still buy Extended Access with the Simplified Licence?

Yes, you can choose Extended Access for whichever licence you are on.