MMOs are currently permitted to make NLA licensed content available to their clients for up to 28 days for print content or 100 days for web content. End-user licensees* are currently not permitted to create an archive or library of any NLA content.
Extended Access is an optional extension available to all NLA end-user licensees from September 2018, permitting them to access NLA licensed content for up to 365 days after the date of publication (or for so long as they subscribe to Extended Access).
MMOs are permitted to make the content available within their own products for up to 365 days to clients who have taken Extended Access.
Indefinite Access is a further optional extension that goes beyond the 365 days of permitted access that Extended Access offers. With Indefinite Access, End-users licensees will be permitted to access NLA licensed content indefinitely after the date of publication – which is to say, as long as the end user remains an Indefinite Access subscriber.
MMOs will not be charged a licence fee. However, if they choose to make content available on their platform for up to 365 days/indefinitely to their clients who have taken the Extended/Indefinite Access options, they will only be required to sign a side-letter to their existing MMO Licence.
End-user licensees opting to take the Extended Access option will be charged an additional 10% per year on their NLA licence, excluding the Corporate Website Republishing Licence (CWRL) element.
End-user licensees opting to take the Indefinite Access option will be charged an additional 30% per year on their NLA licence, excluding the CWRL element.
All NLA licensed content (print and web) is covered by both Extended and Indefinite Access, excluding: (a) The Financial Times (print and digital); (b) News UK content and (c) Documentation-und Informationszentrum, Al Nisr Publishing, Boston Globe & Handelsblatt.
(b) and (c) will remain covered by Extended access for up to 365 days but will not form part of Indefinite Access.
Both options will be offered on all NLA licences, except CWRL and IMMO.
Extended Access has been available to end-users since September 2018.
Indefinite Access will be available for end-users to purchase/upgrade to from April 2021.
NLA will inform you if one of your clients has taken or cancelled either of these options.
Please await approval from NLA before providing Extended/Indefinite Access to any clients.
NLA will extend the eClips and eClips Web access periods for end-user licensees with Extended/Indefinite Access to 365 days/an indefinite time.
Extension to non-eClips / eClips Web content will be managed by the MMO.
As these are optional licence extensions, no additional search capability or access to a wider content set is available. Licensees will simply be able to access self-sourced or MMO supplied content for up to 365 days or indefinitely, depending which option they pick.
Licensees taking either option will be able to begin accessing content from the first day of the Extended/Indefinite Access period.
Content on supporting MMO products will build up from the first day of the licence’s commencement.
For instance, a client taking Extended Access on 1st September, who has had a MMO service for at least the previous 28 days, will be able to see the previous 29 days on 2nd September; the previous 30 days on 3rd September; the previous 31 days on 4th September, etc. Eventually a rolling 365 days will be available. If they opted for Indefinite Access on 1st September, they would be able to see this content 366+ days after the publishing date.
All MMOs holding a MMO Licence and/or eClips Web licence have the option to offer these services. If a MMO is not yet ready to support Extended/Indefinite Access, the client is permitted to temporarily store non-eClips / eClips Web content locally, which the client is required to delete if it cancels or does not renew Extended/Indefinite Access.
eClips authorisation will remain in place for each end-user licensee for the length of the licence. Switching MMOs will therefore not affect access to eClips content hosted by NLA.
For Extended Access, to enable the client’s continued access to content, the MMO will provide:
- to the new MMO, a copy of all scanned non-eClips / eClips Web content made available to the client during the preceding twelve (12) months, or for as long as the client has been subscribing to Extended Access (whichever is shorter). Any Cuttings that the new MMO receives will be only be available to the client for remainder of the Extended Access period; and
- to the NLA, the list of eClips / eClips Web links that were made available to the client during the preceding twelve (12) months, or for as long as the client has been subscribing to Extended Access (whichever is shorter). NLA will then make each article available from its eClips platform for the remainder of the Extended Access period.
For Indefinite Access, to enable the client’s continued access to content the MMO will provide:
- to the new MMO, a copy of all scanned non-eClips / eClips Web content made available to the client for as long as the client has been subscribing to Indefinite Access; and
- to the NLA, the list of eClips / eClips Web links that were made available to the client for as long as the client has been subscribing to Indefinite Access.
Extended/Indefinite Access are extensions to NLA’s licences. They are therefore only available directly to end users with an NLA licence.
There is no requirement on the MMO to, for example, pay for the first user.
The licensee will be able to renew the extension annually. Assuming the extension is renewed, 365-day rolling access will continue.
When a client cancels Extended Access, access to content by the client reverts to a maximum of 28 days (print) / 100 days (web) on their MMO service. For instance, if the client receives an article the day before it cancels, the client will only have access to that article for 29 days (28 days plus 1 day before cancellation date).
The client will also have to remove any access to NLA-licensed content is has created locally.
When a client cancels Indefinite Access, access to content by the client reverts to a maximum of 28 days (print) / 100 days (web) on their MMO service. For instance, if the client receives an article the day before it cancels, the client will only have access to that article for 29 days (28 days plus 1 day before cancellation date).
The client will also have to remove any access to NLA-licensed content is has created locally.
If an end-user switches from Extended Access to Indefinite Access then all content they have currently available will remain available as indefinite content for the period of time the end-user client has Indefinite Access as a licence option.
If an end-user switches from Indefinite Access to Extended Access then all current content will be of restricted use to 365 days after it was made available. E.g. Content published on 1st September 2019 will need to be removed on 1st September 2020.
MyArchive is a historic MMO service covering a small selection of titles that was discontinued in 2019. Extended/Indefinite Access, are licence extensions, sold by NLA, covering nearly all of NLA’s repertoire (see “Which titles are covered” above)).
If you would like more information or have further questions, please contact Client Services at
[email protected].
*An End-user/ Client licensee is an NLA licensee that is not classified as an MMO.